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  • 45 minutes
  • 500 US dollars
  • 90 Washington Street

Service Description

EMSCULPT contracts muscles beyond what is possible through physical training, yielding better muscle tone and enhanced fat metabolism. These results are backed by 7 clinical studies, showing fat loss as well as defined and sculpted muscles to the abdomen and buttocks following a series of 4 treatments. A single EMSCULPT treatment is the equivalent of doing approximately 20,000 sit ups or squats. This muscle contraction leads to building of new muscle mass (increased tone and muscle definition) as well as enhanced fat metabolism through lipolysis, or destruction of fat cells. EMSCULPT burns fat and tones muscle in the abdominal and buttocks region without pain, downtime or sweating it out at the gym. On average, the following was achieved in clinical studies on healthy patients: 19% reduction of fat 4 cm (1.5 inches) loss in waistline circumference 16% increase in muscle mass 11% reduction in abdominal muscle separation (called diastasis recti) 5 x increase in fat metabolism (apoptotic index increased from 19% to 92% after treatment) 80% of patients with visible lifting effect of buttocks 96% patient satisfactionOn average, the following was achieved in clinical studies on healthy patients: 19% reduction of fat 4 cm (1.5 inches) loss in waistline circumference 16% increase in muscle mass 11% reduction in abdominal muscle separation (called diastasis recti) 5 x increase in fat metabolism (apoptotic index increased from 19% to 92% after treatment) 80% of patients with visible lifting effect of buttocks 96% patient satisfaction How Many EMSCULPT Treatments are Needed? Clinical studies with EMSCULPT for the abdomen and buttocks treated patients for 30 minutes, twice a week for 2 weeks, a total of 4 treatments. What does EMSCULPT feel like? Does EMSCULPT hurt? EMSCULPT is not painful, it simply feels like a series of strong muscle contractions. Thinner patients may feel EMSCULPT more, and decreased energies may be used during treatment. Many patients tend to instinctively smile or laugh during the first few minutes, then the body adapts to the rhythm of muscle contractions and it's easily tolerated. Possible contraindications to treatment include the following: Metal or electronic implants in the treatment area Cardiac pacemakers Implanted defibrillators Implanted neurostimulators Drug pumps Malignant tumor Hemorrhagic conditions Epilepsy Recent surgical procedures

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please notify us 24 hrs in advance. Clients who "no show" or dont cancel 24 hrs before lose their full deposit

Contact Details

  • 90 Washington Street, New York, NY, USA

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